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Welcome to the SophiaHealth Institute Kaufbeuren

The SophiaHealth© Institut Institute in Kaufbeuren, Germany, is committed to research, development and integration of complementary healing methods as described in the books of Ariane Zappe.

This comprehensive therapeutic concept is primarily aimed at chronically ill patients with diagnoses such as Alzheimer’s disease, autism, ADD and ADHD, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome CFS, multiple chemical sensitivity, various abdominal symptoms, chronic pain syndrome, fibromyalgia, allergies, depression or with diffuse chronic symptoms that could rarely be described with one of the typical medical diagnoses.

In our practice, we try to avoid additional stressors. Please do not wear perfume or similar fragrances and turn your cell phone off or into airplane mode. Thank you very much.

The SophiaHealth Institute is located in the historic Bavarian town of Kaufbeuren, one hour from Munich.

In the city center, about 800 meters from SophiaHealth Institute, you will find cozy cafes, comfortable hotels and pedestrian streets with a variety of stores and facilities.

The practice rooms are at ground level and free of obstacles. There are plenty of parking spaces to the right and left of the practice building, as well as in the surrounding streets. Additional parking spaces are located 600m away in the Buron Center.

Ariane Zappe

Institute management

She started her working life in the 90’s as the first, female Airbus pilot with Deutsche Lufthansa and she continues to try to move into ever new areas, but today for the best of her patients. After 7 years of flying, she began to take the same passion in a new direction – complementary medicine.


In the last decades she has done everything to learn from the best of the best, like Prof. Georgos Vithoulkas or of course Dietrich Klinghardt, MD.


The close collaboration between Ariane Zappe and Dr. Klinghardt resulted, among other things, in the development of SophiaMatrix, a profound manual treatment of the lymphatic system, fascia and connective tissue, as well as the publication of two joint books.


ART (Autonomic Response Test), PK (Psycho-Kinesiology) and MFT (Mental Field Techniques) according to Dr. Klinghardt are of course used in the SophiaHealth Institute in Kaufbeuren – in addition to a variety of other diagnostic and treatment methods.

“What you can expect from me”

During our appointment we will work together with 100% focus on you and your an assessment of your situation. We estimate three hours for an appointment. This is the minimum amount of time I need to deeply and comprehensively understand your personal life story, the development of your symptoms since your own pregnancy, your previous lab results and findings, as well as your life circumstances and goals.

After our joint discussion and the review of all documents, the ART (Autonomic Response Test according to Dr. Klinghardt) follows – always together with an assistant. This provides us with further pieces of the puzzle, which enable us to find the actual causes of your symptoms and prioritize treatments. Every patient is unique, there are neither standard diagnoses nor standard treatments.

I often additionally search medical publications in PubMed or other research libraries before arriving at a final evaluation of your case. Together we – patient and therapist – work like detectives to piece together the big puzzle and establish a treatment protocol. This not only covers the time in our practice, but also accompanies you especially in the weeks afterwards.

When you sit in front of me for the first time, you become my greatest challenge. I want to understand what has led to the problems you are experiencing today, find out the real causes and, through an in-depth analysis, show you a path that, with your commitment, can lead you step by step towards hope, health and joy in life. Together we will make sure that this path is feasible for you in terms of time, energy and finances.

Our patients

“Who are our patients?”

Our patients come from all walks of life and circumstances and from all over the world. What they have in common – they have been suffering for years from chronic symptoms that rarely fit into an official diagnosis and whose treatment rarely takes into account the real causes of the problem.


Often they are even classified as healthy or psychosomatically ill, treated with antidepressants or feel completely abandoned. This is difficult to bear, especially for families with affected children.


Lack of medical help brings frustration and anxiety, patients feel isolated, not taken seriously and begin to search for answers and solutions themselves. Many of our patients participate in forums and support groups that help you break the isolation.


Patients are also often directed to us through these forums and support groups.

We are looking forward to you

Your way to the SophiaHealth Institute Kaufbeuren

The first steps to your appointment

We offer several options for arranging the initial appointment. In order to arrange it in the best possible way, please fill in the patient questionnaire and send it to in advance.

All details about the options and the questionnaire can be found in our First Steps.

Arrival and accommodation

Find out about our location, travel options and accommodations near the admirable and historic old town of Kaufbeuren. Surrounding us is the worth seeing Allgäu with its scenic and impressive foothills of the Alps.

A dedicated team

The joint path

Our practice staff are team players who use their individual strengths and motivation to empathetically provide our patients with the best possible care during their stay in Kaufbeuren.

We place the highest value on caring and competence. We cannot work miracles, but we do our best as long as we are allowed to accompany our patients on their journey.

Our experience, our research

Research and publications

Paradigm shift in dealing with microbes


We have only become what we are today WITH germs. Prevention and treatment of chronic, neurological or neurodegenerative diseases can only succeed if people AND microbes become healthy.

So how can we protect and care for our germs? Prevention and treatment of chronic, neurological or neurodegenerative diseases will only succeed if people AND microbes become healthy.


For therapists, patients and those interested in the implementation of ImmunSymbiosis in everyday life and therapeutic practice.

More information
The first joint book by Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, and Ariane Zappe ...
The first joint book by Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, and Ariane Zappe ...

``The Biological Treatment of Lyme Disease`` by Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD, and Ariane Zappe, PhD, was published in 2016. It describes the comprehensive SophiaMed concept for the treatment of chronic diseases including Lyme disease. 25 years of research and experience of Dr. Klinghardt are enriched by the collaboration of Ariane Zappe since 2013.

Lesen Sie mehr
... and the cooperation journey continues
... and the cooperation journey continues

Their second book ``ImmunSymbiosis`` by Dietrich Klinghardt, MD and Ariane Zappe were published in October 2017. With this book they go deeper into the immune system and its complexity, such as the highly developed and organized interactions between microorganisms and the body's own cells: The Immune Symbiosis. The human body and microbial elements work hand in hand when dealing with trauma, conflict and stress.


SophiaViva  – Fills our research with life

Our partner SophiaViva brings to life the unique remedies we research for our patients.


Our patients benefit in many ways from the cooperation between SophiaHealth and SophiaViva.


Often, after the examination of the patients by Ariane Zappe and her specifications, new remedies are produced by SophiaViva overnight, so that they can be tested and integrated into the treatment while the patient is still in our practice.


The close cooperation enables patients to take remedies with them immediately and also to reorder them from home – confident that the content and properties match exactly what Ariane Zappe has suggested as a treatment.


To make this cooperation even more intensive, SophiaHealth and SophiaViva will work in the same building from January 2021.

SophiaViva Website

We achieve our goals only through cooperation

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    Schlingener Str. 1

    D 87600 Kaufbeuren



    +49 (0) 8341 9664100

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